International Bridges to Justice, India

About International Bridges to Justice India Trust

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Our Approach

IBJ works with legal aid lawyers, state institutions, legal aid organizations, community-based organizations, and other interested stakeholders to fulfil its mission. IBJ engages in a three-pillar programming approach to ensure comprehensive criminal justice transformation:

Defender Capacity Building – as the drivers of the criminal justice system, we focus most of our support on the empowerment of public defenders/legal aid lawyers through skills development, training programs and materials, on-the-ground resource centres, international community-building, and technical support.

Institutional Capacity Building – in recognition that implementation of the rule of law requires the cooperation of all participants within the justice community, IBJ joins with defenders, prosecutors, judges, police, detention centre officials, local government representatives and legal academics in Criminal Justice Roundtable sessions to build mutual respect and establish the foundation for long-term criminal justice reform.  

Rights Awareness – the lack of information and knowledge of legal rights by average citizens is a major factor enabling the continuation of rights abuses; thus, IBJ administers Advisement of Rights campaigns through various communication tools (e.g. posters, brochures, street law sessions) to empower citizens to advocate for their own legal rights.

impact through work

India’s legal landscape, deeply rooted in tradition, faces a disconcerting challenge: the routine use of torture by the police as a coercive tactic, sidestepping thorough investigations. Startling reports indicate that, on average, four lives are lost daily due to the severe consequences of torture or mistreatment in police custody. Despite a well-established legal infrastructure with national, state, and district-level legal aid services, this grim reality persists.

In response to this pressing issue, IBJ India has emerged as a vital force for change. Beyond providing legal aid, the organization advocates for systemic reforms, striving to rectify flaws within the legal system and promote accountability. Through its dedicated efforts, IBJ India sheds light on the prevalence of torture, fostering dialogue among legal professionals, policymakers, and civil society to bring about transformative change.

In this challenging environment, IBJ India’s work stands as a beacon of hope, working towards a more just and humane society. The organization’s commitment to addressing systemic issues and championing the rights of those unjustly treated reflects its dedication to reshaping the narrative of justice in India.

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